Apr 25, 2021 | 2020-2021 Annual Catalog, 2021-2022 Annual Catalog, BOGO, In Colors, New Catty Kickoff, Product Shares, Retirement, SU! Promotions/Sales, Updates |
It is just crazy that it’s already the end of April and in a little more than a week the 2020-2021 Annual Catalog will be replaced with a brand new one! Yes! You read that right – we have a NEW CATALOG coming a whole month earlier than past years! ...
May 30, 2020 | 2020-2021 Annual Catalog, Hey ReNee, In Colors, New Catty Kickoff, Product Shares, Retirement, SU! Promotions/Sales, Updates |
It is just crazy that it’s already the end of May and there is less than a week before the 2019-2020 Annual Catalog is replaced with a brand new one! Where did this month go? It’s definitely been a whirl wind for me with moving everything online during...
Jun 1, 2019 | 2019-2020 Annual Catalog, BOGO, New Catty Kickoff, Updates |
I am SO EXCITED! The New 2019-2020 catalog starting in just a few days and I know you are going to LOVE all new goodies. But whenever the new Annual Catalog is near, it also means it’s time for Two Annual Events! Registration is open for both and you’ll...